Hello! This is my photo blog. Here I will be sharing my recent uploads at Flickr and the stories behind them. I hope you will come back often and share this space with me. Comments are always welcome!
Greetings from Tucson! They say these little hearts form in the aftermath of a javalina snack! The porcine creatures take a bite out of the prickly pear [ouch!] and then the cacti heal up into these very cool heart shapes. May all of our little wounds heal into such loving hearts. Love to all on this loving day! Vimala
I have been planning for a long time to publish my bird pictures. After a visit from Dai and Becky in January, and our trip to the Sonoran Desert Museum, I finally had enough bird photos and inspiration to let 'er fly!
So, from the magistic...
...to innocent cuteness...
...here they are in all their perfection!
For the most part...
When I could get them to cooperate, that is!
Oh well... I hope you enjoy! Here's the link: BIRDS